Race Fueling & Recovery Tips (121)


A little while back, I put out a call for episode topic requests, and this one came in. What is a good regimen for pre and post races? Looking for nutritional advice. After my last race I had a hard time getting back my energy. It took almost a week and I have been trying to eat cleaner.

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So we’re going to get into this today.

We discuss:

  • What works for one person may not work for another.

  • Why being able to recover more quickly after races is not just about nutrition.

  • What you should be doing the week before your race.

  • Why going into a race fresh can help your body not feel completely wrecked after your race.

  • What you need to be doing on and after race day to best support your body. 

… and more!

Get the FREE Off The Couch Starter Pack here: https://robinlegat.com/byecouch

Here are some highlights.  

There is no one way to do things

“There is no one way to do things. We are all individuals and what works for one person may not work for another. For example, what you like to eat on a race day may cause gut issues for someone else. So take everything I have to say with a grain of salt, which may or may not help with cramping on the race course.”

The week before your race

“Depending on the distance of your race or more specifically the amount of time you expect to be on the race course, you’ll want to ensure you’re properly tapering your training in the days leading up to race day. What that looks like will depend on the expected difficulty of the race and your current fitness level.”

Carb loading isn’t always required

“You may be tempted to carb load the night before your race, but that may not be the best idea for a couple reasons. If you’re running a short race like a 5K, it may not even be necessary. If you’re running a longer race, eating a big carb-heavy meal the night before could result in that meal still lingering in your gut when you race - which is not a very pleasant experience.”

If you’ve fallen out of your fitness routine and the idea of jumping back in feels as daunting as putting together a work presentation the night before you have to give it, we have a fun freebie for you.

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Because THAT is how you get fired up to get back into fitness again.

So if you’re looking for a way to open that door that’s been closed for far too long, and to do it in a way that’s simple, effective and fun, download the FREE Off The Couch Starter Pack now at robinlegat.com/byecouch

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