Get your mind right for the New Year with Spartan Mind Doc Dr. Lara Pence (043)

Today’s guest is Dr. Lara Pence. She’s a Licensed Clinical Psychologist and has spent the last fifteen years working with individuals as they peel back the layers of their outer shell, cast aside unhealthy patterns and begin to build a new, more resilient sense of self. Dr. Pence has worked with Olympic athletes, successful business owners and entrepreneurs to help them move away from comparison and self-loathing and toward connection and self-investment. She is the Chief Mind Doc for Spartan and hosts the Spartan Mind YouTube video series. And on January 1st of this year, Dr. Pence launched a brand new YouTube videos series that takes viewers through a journey of self-discovery, exploration and analysis, with new videos released every Tuesday and Thursday and important at-home exercises to help deepen self-understanding and awareness.

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Another year more seasoned - the 2018 Birthday Podcast with Host Robin Legat (042)

As has become tradition here at the Seasoned Athlete Podcast, on host Robin Legat’s birthday every year, she turns the tables and answers listener questions. On this episode, recorded the day Robin turned 44, Robin talks about her year in racing, including successes and shortcomings, shares her experience as a budding competitive obstacle racer, and gives advice to listeners who are working on accomplishing their own health, fitness and race goals.

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Adventures in sobriety with ultra-runner Charlie Engle (036)

This week, we talk to 55-year old Charlie Engle of Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Charlie is a husband, a father, a writer, a runner and a recovering addict. He’s run across deserts, summited ice-covered volcanoes, swam with crocodiles and even served a stint in federal prison. But Charlie’s greatest challenge is the daily challenge of sobriety. Instead of trying to kill his addictive nature, Charlie instead channels it into positive, purpose-filled pursuits, and those pursuits have literally had him running all over the globe. He’s been clean and sober since 1992, his running pursuits have been the subject of multiple documentaries, and in 2016, Charlie released his first book aptly titled Running Man. Charlie is, as he describes yourself, an addict who runs and a runner who writes.

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